Ape perasaan korang klu korang kene tunggu 3 hours just to meet someone to have at least a few minutes to talk? Ak tau la die mmg important kan but can't someone told her that I want to meet her? Well, sape la aku and aku tau tu. Tapi klu sampai beberapa kali aku datang, lepas tu xjumpe die, pastu bile jumpe plak, cam layan xlayan. Fuhhh!! Memang the "best" moment of my life. Thank you very much coz wasting my time, energy and effort all this while.
And yg jadi kemusykilan, klu buat soal selidik, kene ade give and take ke? I mean win-win situation. xtau plak aku. Da satu hal plak menyusahkan aku nak bgtau lecturer tu pasal nak kene buat slot la kat sekolah tu. Aih!! Kenape la aku agree nak buat bende nie? Tapi kan, kwn2 ak yg kene buat jugak soal selidik nie xde mslh pon. Aku jugak yg ade mslh. Aduh! Sabar je la.