Saturday, August 25, 2012

After Raya~


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada semua umat Islam yang meraikannya. Kalau ikut waktu aku post nie, sekarang nie da raya ke-7. Bagi kebanyakan orang, mungkin sekarang nie masih raya tapi bagi aku plak, mood raya da makin berkurangan. Sekarang nie mood balik ke kampus lak. Aduh! Malas plak aku nak balik U. Aku tau, mesti ramai yang ada perasaan macam aku nie. Huhu..

Aku nak cite pasal misery aku masa Raya. First day Raya, sakit gigi datang menjelma. Disertai dengan sakit kepala lak tu. Aduh! Hanya Allah sahaja yang tau. Lepas tu, aku rase loya lak (jangan fikir bende laen ar). Rase nak muntah je. Terutama bila minum air masak.Sekarang nie plak, aku sedang dalam proses diserang selesema. Oh sungguh tak selesa. Why why why this happened to me? :(

Tapi ape2 pun, aku kene redha dengan ape yang berlaku kat aku skang nie. Huhu...harap2 cepat sembuh. Doakan la aku cepat sembuh. Peace~

p/s : gambar raya x snap langsung so xble nak post. :p

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Malaysian are proud of you!!


Baru je selesai perlawanan akhir badminton antara Dato' Lee Chong Wei (DLCW) dengan Lin Dan. Fuh, memang sengit la. Memandangkan banyak orang post pasal perlawanan badminton nie kat Facebook, aku pun xnak ketinggalan jugak. Hehe. To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of sports. In fact, I'm not a fan at all. Tapi ade mase2 tertentu, I'm quite into it. Haha..

Bila tengok DLCW lawan dengan Lin Dan, owh..memang sengit. Actually, aku tengok mase game set 3 and aku xtau pun yang aku tengok tu adalah perlawanan penentuan. Demm!Walaupun aku tau ramai rakyat Malaysia (termasuk la aku) kecewa, tapi aku tau yang paling kecewa sekali mestilah DLCW sendiri. Aku rase die pressure jugak sebab die je la harapan nak bawak balik pingat emas untuk Malaysia.

Die sampai nangis2. Oh..aku pun rase nak nangis sekali. Walau ape pun, aku still proud of him. Like I said before, I'm not a fan but I'm still supporting our hero. 

To DLCW, you are already doing your best in making Malaysian proud. We are so proud of you so keep up with all your hard work. I'm sure someday it will pay off. Let's hope for the better. We all love you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Whine up~! Wooo~~


Bagi seseorang yang banyak SANGAT berfikir macam aku nie (as if org laen xbyk fikir. sorry peeps) and a person with full of emotions (really mean it), tibe2 aku terfikir yg a lot of people tend to expect me to do excellently in particular situation, things or anything that can be expected from me. Haha...mcm complicated lak.

Aku cakap nie within family matters la. I'm the youngest daughter in the family. So cooking, doing house chores etc are the basic things that I have to do. And aku mesti kene excellent dalam setiap bende nie. Or should I say, must be PERFECT for this particular thing. Lebih kurang mcm tu la.

Masak xsedap, kene complaint. Masak xcukup, kene complaint. Kemas uma mcm xkemas, kene complaint. Well, hearing that comments is just part of my day. Selain drpd house chores, ade la a few other things yang aku kene tau gak. Xtau pun kene buat2 tau. Sebab tu aku rase bile aku cakap dengan orang lain, aku berlagak pandai. Haha...lame2, jadi bodoh sombong aku nie (ke da jadi ntah? Hehe..)

This is...what should I say....the dilemmas that I (and maybe a lot of other people too) have to face every single day. It is not focus only around the family but also my surroundings. Even though I've tried hard to succeed, I guess it is not hard enough. I'm not that strong either. *chuckles*

Anyway, goodbye for now. See ya next time. Peace~